Mauritania News

Tackling high maternal deaths in Mauritania

A cloud of dust lifted slowly off the forecourt of Sebkha health centre where an ambulance had just rushed a patient. Inside visitors milled about as nurses paced up and down the corridors. When one of the nurses passed by, an elderly woman waiting outside the delivery room sat up and asked how her daughter was doing. “Don’t worry madam,” came the reply, “your daughter will give birth safely. She’s in good hands.”

African Vaccination Week (AVW) Mauritania

The AVW was launched on the 23 of April 2013, by the Secretary general in the MOH, Mr Moussa Ould Ahmednah in Atar, Adrar region, located at around 450 Km in the North of the capital city Nouakchott. The WHO and UNICEF  representatives accompanied him. This region was chosen because of its persistent low performances in routine immunization.